Screenagers-Growing Up In The Digital Age
Objective: To address, through viewing a film, the increasingly pressing need in our schools, community and world, regarding communicating safe and reasonable uses of various technology screens to our students and children.
Objective: A continuous grant. See Winter 2019
Suffolk County Archeological Association Native Life Workshop
4th Grade Students)
Objective: A continuous grant which corresponds to the 4th grade curriculum. Children will have the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American culture.
Scraggy’s Bookworm Vending Machine
Objective: A vending machine which will contain books that are in high demand for grades K-5. There will be approximately 20 different books to select from, which will satisfy students’ interests and reading levels.
Julia Cook Update
Objective: A continuous grant for inspirational books. These books actively involve young people in fun, memorable stories, which teaches them to become lifelong problem solvers.
Preparing Culturally Diverse Students for Academic Success for
Objective: To ensure the continuation of the ENL Family Gatherings. The families enjoy these gatherings as they get to interact with other families, increase their social and emotional growth, build a rapport with the teachers, as well as learn of community programs that are available to them.
Native Life Workshop
Objective: Students will have the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American culture.
3D Printing for the Classroom.
Objective: Utilizing 3D printers in the classroom to print models to help instruction, print parts for Science Olympiad projects, and to be used by students to produce any other creative, useful science related objects.
Teaching Virtually
Objective: Piloting goggles designed to be used with iPods.
Virtual reality for kids gives them an opportunity to explore places, countries, continents, etc.
Gives children the experience of time traveling to key historic events.
Gives simulated real-life experiences.
Objective: The Starlab program provides an inflatable planetarium for students to explore the night sky and constellations. Students will also develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.
The Kindness Rocks Project
Objective: To inspire and educate the students about the concept of cultivating “Kindversations” and how simple everyday acts of kindness can produce greater connections. Ultimately, they hope to build a “Kindness Rocks Garden” at the middle school.
Math Fact Staircase
Objective: The math staircase will help students learn their math facts. The attractive step décor will replace flash cards and online games, this will give students a fun and new way to remember their multiplication facts.
Literacy Project
Objective: To support a student’s emerging literacy skills in a fun and engaging manner. A final objective would be for the students to sustain their reading and writing skills during the summer months.
Theaterworks USA - Charlotte’s Web
Objective: To reinforce students understanding of Charlotte’s Web anthology, which is part of the Common Core NYS ELA curriculum.
Native Life Workshop
Objective: Students will have the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American culture.
Fish Tanks Enhance the Science Classroom
Objective: Upgrade the current 75-gallon fish tank stocked with African Cichlids in the science classroom.
Expansion of Green House Grow
Objective: To expand the current elementary school green house by adding shelves. Students will have the opportunity to grow more plants and work in a more functional environment.
The Science of Fitness: Technology That Increase Intrinsic Motivation
Objective: Provide students with the opportunity to sign up for group fitness classes that incorporate wearable fitness technology.
The Riverhead Foundation Seal Release – Beach Cleanup & Lab
Objective: This is a continuous grant funded by REF, which enhances the 3rd grade science and social studies curriculum.
Middle School/High School Ukulele Program
Objective: Instrument will be used in a continuing program from the elementary school and will be used to connect traditional music curricula to current popular styles of music and instruments.
Sensory Room Major Grant
Objective: Create a sensory space for special needs students and all students in the middle school.
School Store on Wheels
Objective: Encourage special education students in grades 6-8 to develop their math and communication skills.
Food for Thought
Objective: Mini lessons which foster a sense of security provided by sharing meals and helping to develop students in grades 6-8 into healthy, well-rounded adults.
Julia Cook Activity Books
Submitted by Dr. Allyson Carlson
Objective: School psychologist will use activity books with students in grades PreK-5.
Google Expeditions
Objective: Used in Spanish and Foreign Language grade 6 classes. Students are able to take virtual field trips using Google cardboard viewers.
Chess Club Mini-Grant
Objective: Provide Chess sets and chess clock for Chess Club students in the middle school.
GaGa Ball Pit
Objective: GaGa Ball Project relates to the district’s (Dignity for all Students Act). This project provides all students with a safe and supportive environment on school property and at school-sponsored activities and events.
Making Port Jeff Curriculum Available 24 Hours a Day
Objective: Making 5th grade curriculum instructional videos available to 5th grade students. This will give 5th grade students an opportunity to see and hear curriculum instruction numerous times, especially when a student is absent from school.
Raised Bed Garden
For grades 3-5 Life Skills students & Garden Club
Character Education Guest Speaker
Objective: This program is designed to promote a positive school environment. The program involves a presentation by Victoria Ruvolo, who discusses the importance of forgiveness and compassion.
Upper Elementary Ukulele Program
Objective: To teach students how to read music on this stringed instrument and learn chord positions for playing popular songs. This will promote continued music learning and performing outside of the music room.
Vernier Elementary Science
Objective: To allow students to see measurements and graphs on a computer (Smart Board). The tools for temperature, light, gas pressure, magnetic field, voltage and PH, would allow students to make basic measurements and then examine them in data form.
Native Life Workshop
Objective: Students will have the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American culture.
Collecting Scientific Data with Computer
Objective: To have students utilize probeware interfaces and probes for digital data collection. The use of probeware makes for more accurate data collection and help students better graph and analyze the data for their usage in laboratory activities.
Scraggy's Window to the World
Objective: To bring lessons to life by having students observe the many wonders of the world through Web Cam sites all over the world. The live video can be from another country, distant city, a sporting event, or a national park.
Portable Language Lab
Objective: To supplement the LOTE lab, which is in addition to the language lab currently at the middle/high school
Riverhead Foundation
On-going grant for students in 3rd grade
Objective: Involves beach cleanup, seal release, and related curriculum.
Violin Unit in General Music Class
This is a continuation of a grant approved in 2015 & 2013
Standing Desk for Students
Objective: Utilize desks for Attention Deficit students to help with focus.
Egyptian Museum
Objective: An Egyptian Museum featuring art projects, fiction, and nonfiction writing, audio visual presentations and replicas of Egyptian artifacts and monuments.
Gardening Across the Centuries
Objective: Provide hands on experience to 4th graders and involve them in planting a lasting garden in the courtyard between the music room and computer lab.
Social and Emotional Positive Behavior Supports
Objective: Provide teachers with an immediate resource to address issues that may arise during school days.
In-Class Reading Program
Objective: Provide the teacher with resources that will be reusable. This will benefit students in the kindergarten program.
Cooking Club….Food for Thought
Objective: Give students an active voice within their peer groups to become healthier and happier by taking the time to work together and enjoy a meal.
Native American Life Workshop
Objective: Students will have the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American culture.
Academic Team Buzzers
Bird Feeder Watch
Objective: Students will monitor and record the habits of winter birds.
Violin Unit in General Music Classes
Objective: to introduce the proper sized violin to students in K-1.
This is a continuation of a grant approved in 2013.
Forces & Motion with Technology Applications
Food for Thought
Objective: To help special needs students develop age appropriate social skills, improve communication skills, and foster a positive and nurturing school culture.
The Buddy Bench
Objective: To help foster friendships, social interaction, and empathy on the elementary school playground.
Suffolk County Archeological Association Native Life Workshop
Objective: To provide students with the opportunity to take part in Native American activities to extend their classroom learning of Native American Culture.
Trout Conservation Program
Objective: To provide students with the opportunity to observe stages of mitosis, differentiation, and embryonic development within the trout population.
“Portable Planetarium”
Objection: Allow 5th grade students to view the Vanderbilt Planetarium’s projection shows of our universe on the school grounds, enhancing the 5th grade astronomy unit.
Pulse Monitors for use in the “Fitness for a Lifetime” program. A unit in physical education classes benefitting the middle and high school students.
Wireless Weather Station to enhance the 2nd grade weather curriculum and available for entire elementary school use.
Boreal2 HM Series Digital Microscope to be use by high school students in AP Environmental Science for the NOAA Plankton Monitoring Network Project.
Suffolk County Archeological Association to give a one day in-school workshop with Native American activities that enhance the 4th grade curriculum of Native American Culture. This replaces the Hoyt Farm field trip that is no longer funded by the school district.
Elementary School “Science Programming” for grades K-5th. One hour of targeted Science programming for each child in the elementary school; topics chosen by faculty.
PreK – Seeds and Plants – TBA per Long Island Science Center
Kindergarten – Phases of the Moon – March 20th
Grade 1 – States of Matter – December 19th
Grade 2 – Meteorology/Storm Watch – February 16th
Grade 3 – Pine Barrens – December 15th
Grade 4 – Leaves and Seeds – April 4th
Grade 5 – Balloon Powered Vehicle – April 26th
Funding of Riverhead Foundation curriculum enhancement including: Introduction to marine mammal and sea turtles, human interaction issues, noise affects, marine debris and pollution, water quality, food chain, bioaccumulation, climate change, adaptations to aquatic life style, marine mammal and sea turtle tracking, ocean currents, habitats (marine vs. fresh water, sandy vs. rocky beaches etc.), plus beach seal release and beach clean up.